It’s been a really busy month so far. Last night we went out for our usual homeless outreach.
We prayed and started our outreach. We ministered to just a few because we ran out of food quickly. 2 of the people kept following us, I’m sure they were lonely and could have done with some more food but we just didn’t have enough.
Anyway after that we walked to Young and some other street and started doing some evangelism to the general public. That went well. I find that people are willing to find out about Jesus and who He is.
On the walk back to the parking lot we met a group of young adults who we stopped to chat with for a good while. One a Hindu, one a Christian from Ghana and 2 Muslims.
Jocelin and I chatted with the Hindu, and I think he will give his life to Jesus. The Christian man seemed a bit ashamed, maybe he needed to re-dedicated his life and make a serious commitment.